Sunday, November 29, 2009

Yep, still here and so is water babe.

I know....I know....It has been too long since my last post, cut me some slack. I think I have felt so many emotions lately that I have had a hard organizing my thoughts let alone putting them down in written form.....ok artistic people I know writing brings clarity hence why I am here. God knows I need some clarity right about now.

Yesterday was 4 months.....4 months. How can one event seem so long ago but so new and raw all at the same time? They have easily been the longest 4 months of my life filled with so much pain but so much magic all rolled into one.

Luke keeps amazing me with his ways he lets me know he is around, and I am so eternally grateful that I do not feel less connected to since water baby has come on the scene. Maybe I should be more concerned about feeling that connection to the babe in my belly.

And yet again, rocky yet uneventful start to this young one life. We've had a few moments where things were in question, and I have quickly been reminded (as if I had forgot) that my whole world is wrapped up by the flashing heartbeat on the ultrasound screen.

So I will try again to write more and embrace the journey...cause it is going on with or without I better get my butt on board.